Nursery timetable for isolation
Remember to upload pictures of your learning to Tapestry!
Well- being checkin- Watch The Colour Monster and discuss how you are feeling today? Draw a picture to show how you are feeling.
Nursery Rhyme Time- Incy Wincy Spider. Have fun learning and doing the actions to the Nursery Rhyme.
Learning together -Fine Motor Skills- Join in with this funky fingers song and then pracitse drawing anti-clockwise circles using different colours or the first letter in your name. Try making small and big circles on a tray with flour or dry rice.
Phonics- Join in with this Jolly Phonics songs and play some phase 1 phonics games as advised on Phonics Play.
English- Listen to Kippers Birthday. How old are you? Can you make a birthday card for Kipper?
Maths- Watch Numberblocks. Listen to and join in with some number songs and shape songs. What numbers and shapes can you find around your house?
Storytime- Listen to a story. Find your favourite book and look at it together with an adult